The main factors that affect the service life of tundish castable safety layer
The main factors that affect the service life of tundish castable safety layer are casting, sintering and using.
1.Casting. During casting, if the water added is more than it should be, or the vibration is not even at some parts, there will be more pores, which would cause partial stress concentration and aggregate segregation, the hardness of safety layer would not be enough, which affects the quality of the whole safety layer.
2.Sintering. If there is bad exhaust, rapid temperature rise during sintering, it will cause partial stress concentration and rapid expansion, stress is over the limits which the tundish castable can endure, partial collapse would appear.
3.Using. The damages during using are mains as erosion, sintering, carbonization, cracking, spalling, even partial collapse caused by the erosion of molten steel as the heats go by. The main reason is slag erosion under high temperature.
Article Source: The main factors that affect the service life of tundish castable safety layer
Company name: Wanhao Refractory

1.Casting. During casting, if the water added is more than it should be, or the vibration is not even at some parts, there will be more pores, which would cause partial stress concentration and aggregate segregation, the hardness of safety layer would not be enough, which affects the quality of the whole safety layer.
2.Sintering. If there is bad exhaust, rapid temperature rise during sintering, it will cause partial stress concentration and rapid expansion, stress is over the limits which the tundish castable can endure, partial collapse would appear.
3.Using. The damages during using are mains as erosion, sintering, carbonization, cracking, spalling, even partial collapse caused by the erosion of molten steel as the heats go by. The main reason is slag erosion under high temperature.
Article Source: The main factors that affect the service life of tundish castable safety layer
Company name: Wanhao Refractory
