Magnesia sand properties effect on refractory

The properties of magnesia are classified into chemical and physical properties.The chemical properties of magnesia sand is mainly refer to the periclase. Mgo is the main component in the periclase. Periclase is one of the most common minerals in cement clinker. It can coexist with four kinds of main mineral C3S, C2S, C3A, C4AF in the cement clinker. So periclase has good erosion resistance against cement clinker.
(1)Periclase has very high melting point so that the magnesia refractories are charactorized with good high-temperature resistance.
(2)Periclase has good thermal conductivity. When using high mgo content refractory, and the kiln skin can not be hung, the surface temperature of kiln body will raise. At that time, not only it will cause a great loss of heat dissipation, but also easy to burn the cylinder.
(3)Periclase has high thermal conductivity. So that the thermal shock resistance for magnesia refractories are not enough. In the process of using, the magnesia refractories are often spalling.

Article Source: Magnesia sand properties effect on refractory

Company name: Luoyang Wanhao New Material Co., Ltd



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