Come to know more information about EBT Tap Hole Filler

EBT tap hole filler is a main variety of refractories for EBT-EAF. Its casting rate is very important to ensure a normal casting period. On the one hand, It should have the appropriate sintering properties, and it prevent filler from floating up causing accident. On the other hand, it requires moderately formed sintered layer thickness, so that when the lower tailgate open the tap hole filler falling under gravity. The sintered layer cracks, breaks and flows under heat stress effect and static pressure of molten steel.

Selection of tap hole refractory raw material puts sintered layer physical properties that can effectively be cracked and broken under heat stress effect under quench in the first place. And more, determination of sintering agent types, amount, speckle size and shape ,reducing agent types and amount to adjust thickness and physical properties of sintered layer. Based on the above viewpoint, there are several main refractory material for production of EBT tap hole fillers as followings: quartz, olivine sand, magnesite, chromite, Waste magnesia chrome brick, etc.

Article source:   EBT Tap Hole Filler




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